We build pathways with partners to secure relationships, visibility, and the confidence of women farmers throughout the coffee value chain. By working together to tackle real world issues of environment, market access, and community development, we provide solutions to better the future and everyday lives of women and their communities.
We cultivate relationships with women farmers at the grassroots level using smart environmental and agri-tech practices to improve their coffee professionalism.
By facilitating the creation of a multi-dimensional partnership network, we support the transformation of community development to create a solid foundation and support network women farmers can immediately tap into.
We ensure women farmers are seen and heard when we work with partners to clear bottlenecks throughout the coffee value chain.
Our projects develop safer spaces for women farmers to apply their newfound professionalism, creating more opportunities to unlock their potential as key players in the coffee sector.
We advocate for women farmers to have a seat at the table when linking them to the local and global marketplace to sustain their leadership in enterprise.
Establishing tremendous room for growth to increase their confidence in decision-making for home and community settings, while also satisfying buyers globally for financial sustainability. When women start to realize their rights in business and earn more income and assets, the more decision-making they have in the household alongside their husbands.
seed-to-cup training
We help producers understand coffee, at every step.
We incentivize training in the best agricultural practices, from planting to harvest. Expert agronomists teach our farmers how to plant and mother their trees for the highest yields, when to pick the reddest cherries, and how to practice the secrets of de-pulping and drying. Farmers earn reward points for their participation that can be used to acquire items of value to them, including tools and mobile phones.
But training doesn't stop at the washing station. Our participants learn to perfect their taste for quality coffee by refining their roasting and cupping skills, too.
relationship coffee
Small farmers mean business. They want access to partners who will help their small businesses grow.
Sustainable Growers relies on a global network of coffee growers, coffee cooperatives, financial lender, business advisors, processors, importers, roasters and consumers in direct relationship with one another. It’s a model called Relationship Coffee, which was pioneered by one of our founding partners, Sustainable Harvest. For our women growers, it’s a way that they can directly access and speak to international trade with buyers looking for new sources for quality coffee at events like “Let’s Talk Coffee” held regularly in Rwanda.
Since our model is dependent on these relationships, we participate in relevant events and conversations to support the producers in the Sustainable Growers' community.